Thursday, August 29, 2013

Conducting Scientific Research

I realize that we are a little behind, so I have attached the power point that we are going to use for our discussion on Scientific Research, both here and on the Intro Unit page.  Please review it and come to class on Tuesday with Step 1 completed.  There are three slides worth of possible questions that might help you come up with a question of your own.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Amendments to the Disclosure Documents have been posted!

If you will go to the Class Documents page, you can view a copy of the amendments we made to our disclosure document.  You are now ready to review them with your parents and sign the parent letter.  Be ready for the quiz tomorrow on the Modern/Contemporary perspectives of Psychology.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Extra Credit on Quiz #1

If you are reading this, you followed my suggestion to check out the blog before class.  Be sure to read the following "Welcome Post" dated August 21st.  There will be three questions on the quiz about what the letters from your personality test mean or represent.  There will also be two bonus questions, here are the answers.  Write them word for word.

The answer to bonus #1 is:  Bring you 1/2 inch 3 ring binder with you to class every day.

The answer to bonus #2 is:  Taking notes will help me get an A on all my quizzes.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome to Intro Psych and Unit 1

I hope you are excited for this class, after all it is an elective and you don't have to take it, if you don't want to.  I hope that this blog will be of help to you throughout the semester, please check it often.  The pages on the right side of the screen will be of the most help to you.  While you can find files there from last year's units, I will be updating the files as we go.  Feel free to look ahead, but know that by the time we get to that unit, I may have modified some of the assignments.  The Unit 1 Plan (you can find this on the "Unit 1 Introduction" page) has been updated and is correct.  The individual assignments for Unit 1 however, have not been updated yet.  You can aslo find a copy of our disclosure document and your parent consent letter on the "Class Documents" page.